


Compromise on Medicaid Expansion?

Perhaps several Medicaid reforms will be introduced by the 2015 Legislature to close the gap for the most vulnerable of our citizens

By Kathleen Hassan

Hats Off to Delegation

Given recent developments with coal mining in the Elk River drainage in British Columbia, the passage of this act is both timely and necessary

By Larry Timchak

Abuse of Power in the State House

Taken as a whole, the actions of a few GOP leaders show a willingness to disregard custom and principles in their bid to consolidate power

By Rep. Tom Woods

Return Government to the People

Maybe if we all work together on this one problem, we will have a chance to actually be represented in our government

By Sarah Campbell

Time for Term Limits

Corruption, deceit, waste and examples of poor character abound in our government and it seems to get worse over time

By Bill Payne

EPA Regs Come with Hefty Price Tag

Climate change is certainly a problem that we must tackle, but the solution to this problem must be at a cost we can afford

By Roger Webb

Obama Giving Away the Country

Ferguson is only a symptom of an underlying distrust of authority, primarily as it pertains to our federal government

By Sinowa Cruz