


Obama’s Appeal to Young Montana Voters

Half the soldiers killed in Vietnam weren’t old enough to vote. The monumental injustice of that triggered the adoption of the 26th amendment in 1971, which lowered the voting age to 18. Montana Sen. Mike Mansfield noted that his leadership role in lowering the voting age was perhaps his proudest achievement in his long life […]

By Bob Brown
Like I Was Saying

Clinton Favored in Schweitzer-Stakes

As Gov. Brian Schweitzer wrapped up an interview with my colleague recently, I quickly interjected to ask two dumb questions: What do you think your chances are at the Democratic vice presidential nomination and whom do you plan on endorsing in the presidential election? He scoffed at the first and ignored the second, deflecting attention […]

By Kellyn Brown

We Can Recycle More in the Flathead

In fiscal year 2006, the hard working people at the Flathead County Solid Waste District disposed of 125,318 tons of solid waste. Valley Recycling recycled a total of 6,000 tons of material in 2006. That included mixed paper, cardboard, #1 and #2 plastics, and non-ferrous metals. That’s a recycling rate for the Flathead Valley of […]

By Robert Morrow
Closing Range

The Interlocal Agreement Fallout

On April 23, I joined a packed house attending the City of Whitefish vs. Flathead County Board of Commissioners hearing before Flathead District Court Judge Kitty Curtis. The main point of the argument presented by Whitefish attorney John Phelps was that irreparable harm would occur were the county to resume zoning jurisdiction. Flathead County counsel […]

By Dave Skinner
Like I Was Saying

Justice Delayed

Few have the gall of John Earl Petersen. And that’s a good thing. The Spokane man believed to have masterminded the $11 million collapse of Mountain Bank of Whitefish in the mid-1990s was captured in Boulder, Colo., last week. Among his belongings: a blond wig, several dismantled cell phones and a book titled “How to […]

By Kellyn Brown

More Should be Done to Stop Mill Closures

At what point should a community support the businesses operating in and near it? Should city and county officials publicly state appreciation for the tax dollars and many other contributions businesses, large and small, make to the well-being of a town and its residents? Or, should they all wait quietly until a closure happens and […]

By Ellen Engstedt-Simpson
Like I Was Saying

Bad Timing for ‘Solitaire-gate’

Recently two state departments have reinforced stereotypes that neither wants. It’s become easier to accuse the Montana government of wastefulness upon revelations that its employees are playing video games and swapping dirty e-mails on taxpayers’ dime. Late last year, a Department of Corrections employee reported receiving an objectionable e-mail from a co-worker. A subsequent investigation […]

By Kellyn Brown

The Dollars and Sense of Climate Change

For the last few years, the issue of global warming has risen to the forefront of our country’s political debate. Here in Montana, the Legislature will probably have dozens of bills in the 2009 session to address the concerns surrounding climate change. As the discussion over the scientific opinions on global warming continues, a new […]

By Webb Brown
Closing Range

Wilderness 101, Part Two

Our previous Wilderness 101 class covered how Bob Marshall almost single-handedly created the “wilderness movement” in American politics and set the stage for the eventual passage of the law governing wilderness areas on American public lands: The Wilderness Act of 1964. When Marshall died in 1939, various federal agencies had set aside roughly 5 million […]

By Dave Skinner
Like I Was Saying

Ideological Brawl

As Whitefish and Flathead County officials dig in their respective heels for what is sure to be a drawn-out litigation battle, it’s clear the wedge between the two municipalities involves more than the law of the land. As legal arguments focus on who controls the outskirts of a city and what soil can be developed […]

By Kellyn Brown

Restoration Economy Beckons

Last month hundreds of us stood on the banks of the Clark Fork River which courses through 120 miles of the largest superfund site in the nation. We were there to watch the river run free for the first time in 100 years. In doing so we were recognizing the advent of a new economy […]

By Pat Williams
Like I Was Saying

Quirky Field of Aspiring Politicos

Shay Joshua Garnett acknowledged last week that he has a warrant out for his arrest in Indiana. Despite his legal woes, he promised to continue his fledgling campaign for the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., in the upcoming election. And who can blame him? Several elections for higher office, here and […]

By Kellyn Brown

Random Drug Testing Proven Ineffective

My 30-year professional history has focused on destructive thinking and behavior patterns in sexuality and drugs and alcohol. I wish to comment on the proposed Whitefish High School mandatory drug and alcohol testing policy for all youths in any sanctioned activities. Though exaggerated in some recent media articles, I agree with the committee that there […]

By Andy Hudak
Closing Range

Retardant Justice

It must be spring. After all, environmentalists have “sprung” at least six or seven new lawsuits on the Northwest court system the past couple weeks – and Earthjustice is about ready to file against delisting Northern Rockies wolves. But it’s a just-dismissed lawsuit that has my attention, especially since I just got “carded” for this […]

By Dave Skinner
Like I Was Saying

Where’s Roger?

Roger Koopman’s so-called “Liberty Project” was intended to lure “pro-freedom Constitutional conservative” candidates to challenge GOP incumbent state lawmakers who he considers to be sellouts in upcoming primaries. And he could have touted the project as a revolution for the right wing of the right, if he himself had filed for reelection – but he […]

By Kellyn Brown