

Montana Federal-Lands Policy Turns Political

Should Montana attempt to wrest control of public lands from federal government? Land managers are pushing back against the notion of a land transfer, but the idea has gained momentum among some state legislators

The Face of Environmental Activism

After 30 years of challenging forest managers and users in the name of wild land and wildlife, Keith Hammer is one of the most familiar, and notorious, activists in Montana

Do the Right Thing

The fish that were in Montana first are worthy of our best conservation efforts

Defending One of the Last Strongholds

The South Fork Flathead River is home to the strongest population of westslope cutthroat trout in Montana, if not the entire West. State biologists are doing everything they can to protect the species, even if it means eradicating hundreds of other nonnative fish

Garwood Sale

I’ve been asked many times to describe what living on Orcas Island is like, and I think I’ve finally come up with a word that describes it fairly well