
Posts By: Tristan Scott

Library, School and Health Boards

If there is a silver lining in the dark cloud of the COVID era, it is that the People have been awakened to the pervasive influence of the left in their libraries, schools, and governing boards

By John Fuller

Stream Access, if You Can Keep It

The Stream Access Law was approved in 1985, after a pair of 1984 rulings by the Montana Supreme Court affirmed the public’s right to access navigable rivers and streams

By Rob Breeding

Decorate My Dad

He was awarded bronze and silver stars, and while Dad does not frequently tell this story, when he does, a listener inevitably inquires why he didn’t also receive a Purple Heart. The answer has eluded him

By Tristan Scott

Undermining the Success of Our Libraries

The loss of ImagineIF’s credentials places a major obstacle for the completion of a highly successful capital campaign for an expanded Bigfork Library

By Jordonna Dores

Sourdough Cabin Bread

I love this loaf because it’s based on ratios and needs minimal handling

By Julie Laing

Mr. Smith and the Senate Filibuster

Were the titular character serving under Senate rules as they have evolved today, he would actually have been prevented from even being recognized

By Bob Brown

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