Maintaining America’s Technological Edge Amid Chinese Aggression
We must proactively foster an environment where innovation can flourish
We must proactively foster an environment where innovation can flourish
Memorial Day is about more than just paying our respects
Morale at the agency has never been lower, and candidate pools for open positions have eroded in quantity and quality
We are currently facing a land management crisis brought on by two recent mill closure announcements
With the threat of losing Pyramid Lumber, creating the two new recreation areas is now more important today than originally expected
The project will maintain the public’s recreational access to the land and preserve the character of Northwest Montana
Community banks have a vested interest in the success of the neighborhoods they serve
Before any of us rush to evaluate Valley Neighbors, or any communal organization, we should at least make the effort to learn about each other by engaging in civil conversation
I feel like our state is being sold out from under us to the highest bidders
The Montana Headwaters Legacy Act protects the waters that are invaluable to the way of life for residents of this state
Now even moderate-income families find they can’t afford a place to live
I was honored to testify on behalf of Montanans before Congress on the importance of the Gateway Communities and Recreation Enhancement Act
Together we can make sure future generations can continue to call the Last Best Place home
If approved, the levies will allow us to maintain our current staffing and programs currently in place
Legislators, the Board of Public Education, and unaccountable associations demanded that I ignore my constitutional duty