

Guest Column

The Essence of Sen. John Walsh

We may not all agree with his every vote, but I suspect we all recognize that he was doing his level best to represent the people of Montana and our nation

By Don Loranger
Uncommon Ground

Public Efficiency

Recent efficiency studies of big buildings found that the energy use of a well-insulated structure is 25 percent lower than traditional construction

By Mike Jopek

All in This Together

We have one of the highest percentages of veteran populations in the U.S. though Montana VA only serves 45 percent of them right now

By Dee Brown
Closing Range

Conserving Land and Water

On September 3, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law not only the Land and Water Conservation Act, but also the Wilderness Act. Environmental activists will certainly be commemorating the event – so shall I. Let’s begin with the Land and Water Conservation Fund (enabled by the Act, LWCF for short). In 1964, America needed […]

By Dave Skinner