


Want a Balanced Federal Budget? Cut State Workers’ Pay

Before the great recession, some people pooh-poohed government jobs. Who wanted stodgy when the private sector had go-go growth? Why stick with safe when you could get bonuses and stock options? Today, and one financial crisis later, secure and solid look good. Perhaps too good. On average, state workers and local government workers made $39.66 […]

By David R. Francis
Business Is Personal

The Ethical Genie

When it comes to business ethics, there’s usually a pretty clear definition of the line between the unethical and the occasionally, accidentally unethical (ie: honest). The accidentally unethical will stumble now and then and make a mistake that, in many cases, they didn’t even realize was a problem. These folks are the reason why even […]

By Mark Riffey


The Columbians celebrate their 50th anniversary. Meanwhile, the “top kill” method failed to quell the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. HIGH: FLATHEAD COUNTY COURTHOUSE: The 107-year-old building is on track for a $1.8-million renovation to protect its historic attributes and bring it up to Americans With Disabilities Act standards. KAYLA CARLSON: A tough-as-nails […]

By Beacon Staff

LETTER: Montana Should Adopt Legislation Similar to Arizona’s

Recently, President Obama hosted Mexican President Felipe Calderon at a lavish White House dinner, paid for by the American taxpayers. President Calderon and President Obama gave a joint press conference and President Calderon addressed a joint meeting of Congress during the visit. At both the White House press conference and at the joint Congressional meeting […]

Phillip Erquiaga
Like I Was Saying

Sharing Credit

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer deserves a lot of credit for a state budget that is clinging to the black amid the worst recession in a generation. As a Democrat, he is considered a fiscal conservative, which is rare for his party. But as he becomes increasingly attractive to the national press that continues to feature […]

By Kellyn Brown

LETTER: Trapping on Public Lands Causes Regulation and Costs Jobs

Four out of 10 fur-bearing species currently being trapped recreationally on public land in Montana are on the endangered, threatened, or species of concern lists. Some can’t be trapped intentionally but have no penalty if caught by mistake. The four are fisher, wolverine, Lynx and swift fox. These animals were almost completely trapped out by […]

By Tom Gignoux

Lessons of Mike Mansfield

Often when our nation seems to be on the wrong track we have a nostalgic reaction to think back to the “good old days” when we remember things were better. Usually this sentimentalism is based less on fact than fable. Core human characteristics haven’t measurably changed in the last few life spans, and while great […]

By Bob Brown
Business Is Personal

Work Like You’re Scared

While live-blogging the US Chamber of Commerce Small Business Summit, Brad Peck (US Chamber of Commerce official Twitter blogger) said this during Joe Scarborough‘s talk: Annoyed by the “scared” comment, I responded: I don’t know a single business owner that’s scared. Annoyed? Sure. Aggravated? Sure. But scared? Not. A. Single. One. If Brad believed what […]

By Mark Riffey
Closing Range

More Supreme Injustice

We have three Supreme Court candidates this primary. Can you name one, or explain what sort of judge they’ll be? Tick, tick, tick, time’s up! Don’t feel bad … you’re not supposed to know what’s going on. Our judiciary, from Justice of the Peace all the way up, is all elected. Supreme Court justices (one […]

By Dave Skinner


Flathead’s unemployment rate drops for the first time in eight months. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is under fire as oil continues to leak into the Gulf of Mexico. HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT – The Flathead County jobless rate dropped in April, from 13.8 percent to 12.2 percent, the first positive movement in eight months. CHARLES DJOU – […]

By Beacon Staff

LETTER: Ignoring the Problem Solves Nothing

First, I have lived in Germany and have no animosity against the German people. Those like Karl Gharst need to be confronted. Ignoring the problem solves nothing. That is simply the “it can’t happen here” mindset that was prevalent in World War II Germany and around the world. Perhaps Gharst needs to be informed that […]

By Kenneth Smith
Like I Was Saying

Campaigning in Circles

For those running for elected office, experience matters. Each candidate’s pitch to voters includes a lengthy biography of accomplishments, awards and pertinent endorsements from those already working in the public sector. The pedigrees are familiar and, often, so are the faces. It can be maddeningly cyclical. When glancing at this year’s local election roster, you […]

By Kellyn Brown

LETTER: Do We Need a New Sheriff?

I have been disturbed about the current events unfolding around Sheriff Mike Meehan. There are “subtle” statements being expressed that he lacks leadership and communication skills needed to serve another term (May 5 Beacon: Morale at Center of Sheriff’s Race). I would like to offer a short argument against this type of reasoning. The sheriff’s […]

By Curtis Bartel

Glacier Park’s Tortured Beginnings

During the year-long celebration of Glacier National Park’s centennial, it might serve us well to recall the tortured legislative beginnings of that soaring, sparkling place. Glacier suffered many birth pangs during that tortured legislative route toward designation as a national park. Twenty-eight years earlier its cousin to the south, Yellowstone, had received recognition and status […]

By Pat Williams
Business Is Personal

Management by Molotov

Recently, Billings found that a segment of their population decided that firebombing is the preferred method of running businesses out of town. Perhaps too impatient to wait for paranoia-driven regulations or zoning laws written so narrowly that a Chicago purchasing department RFP writer could have written them, someone decided to blow the place up. Right […]

By Mark Riffey