
Posts By: Micah Drew

Boston or Bust

Two Kalispell runners, Pete and Jenny Heyboer, managed months of dark wintery training to prepare for the prestigious marathon


Let Them Eat… Cat?

5:26 a.m. A man was told to stay out of the post office unless he had post office business. 7:53 a.m. A man wanted to get rid of his wife’s goats and cats and wanted to know if the food bank would accept them.  12:56 p.m. A man’s pants were hanging down very far. 1:27 […]


A Kalispell Hill-Billy Elegy

2:49 p.m. A woman sleeping in her vehicle had just dozed off while watching the ducks.  4:18 p.m. Someone called 911 then advised that Kalispell law enforcement was “so hill-billy” they needed to go to a city to learn how to handle things. 5:12 p.m. An elderly man backed up at a stop sign, flipped […]


Don’t Snap Your Sneak

3:00 a.m.  A teenager sneaked out of her house but was caught when she posted about it on SnapChat.   9:25 a.m. Someone was having difficulty calling Canada and kept calling dispatch on accident.  9:23 a.m. Someone who identified themselves as an “independent journalist” wanted to talk to a duty sergeant for a story on […]


Party Rock is NOT in the House Tonight

1:24 a.m. A man was not in the mood for partying.   2:38 a.m. Two trucks were “road rage driving,” before pulling into a parking lot, flashing their lights and bumping into each other. 2:24 p.m. A glitch at a gas station allowed a driver to prepay for fuel, gas up their car and get […]


Not Our Jurisdiction

6:40 a.m. Someone trying to call in sick to work accidentally hit the emergency button instead.  9:32 a.m. Someone reported their vehicle had been broken into and a single glove was left on the seat.  11:12 a.m. Some drug needles were found in the road.  12:12 p.m. A “methed out” man went to his father’s […]


How Now Brown Cow?

5:37 p.m. A man drank an entire bottle of vodka and then passed out in a women’s restroom.  7:17 p.m. An officer stopped a person wearing a cow costume who was rolling on the ground. It turned out to be a teenager doing it as a joke who verified his parents knew what he was […]


If He Fits, He Sits

5:02 a.m. A man attributed his accidental 911 call to trying to carry a piece of wood that slipped and hit the emergency button on a phone.  8:28 a.m. Two horses were missing from their pasture.  1:10 p.m. A missing three-year-old was found on the other side of her house.    3:16 p.m. A man […]


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