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Vote NO on CI-126

A vote for CI-126 is a vote to invite leftist chaos to our beloved Montana and her elections

By Ben Woods 

Oppose CI-128

Montanans deserve better than emotionally charged rhetoric pushing reckless changes

By Amy Regier

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The 2024 Agriculture Issue

Montana's above-average winter wheat and hay harvests were a bright spot for Flathead Valley farmers growing more reliant on landowners to lease property for production as developers gobble up open space; plus, Market Metrics and Financial Corner

Police Blotter

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Do You Vote by Mail in Montana's General Elections?

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Project 7

A six-part series on notorious Flathead Valley militia leader David Burgert, who vanished into the wilderness after a shootout with sheriff's deputies in 2011

Held v. Montana

Flathead Beacon editor in chief Kellyn Brown is a cohost for today's episode, and asks host Micah Drew about the upcoming climate change lawsuit Held v. Montana